Saturday, 5 April 2014

Edge . . . Of Insanity

Today we have an impromptu interview hot off the press.

An exclusive expose of one of the biggest bands in the world and potential falls outs, splits and in fighting!

Let's get stuck in and hear all about it from the man who is in the middle of all this and most definitely has an axe to grind.


  1. Gotta love the voice and the Irish accent. LOL. Thanks for sharing the "interview"
    Visiting from AtoZ

    1. Thanks Rhonda. We are still waiting for one of the Bonds to get back to us... they are a fickle lot!

  2. Everyone likes an interview that has a bit of edginess in it. I though I would even finish off my visit with a little Baz the Bee. . . .

    Ok I am off now to fire up the chainsaw and chase those Frogs (sorry chop up logs) . . . . .

    1. If you hadn't of pointed it out Rob, I'd never had spotted it! hahahahahahahahaha :O)

  3. I begin to suspect that the Edge is in fact a robot that has been hijacked by the Leprechaun from Lucky Charms.

    1. What sort of name is Edge anyway. Exactly what is he the edge of, if its the sea I will call him Sea-Defence from now on.

    2. I think his full name is Onthe Edge. Because that's what I'd be if I had to put with Bono all the time.

  4. Bono makes me punch boxes of Weetabix too. He pays me to do it. It's kind of his thing.

    1. Tha' man's a bloody menace. AND he had dirty finger nails... that's hy you never see his hands, which are tiny by the way. Freakishly small! I hate him!!!


Poop deck. - hahahahaha I said poop!